Subscribe to our "The Week in Europe" Podcast
Every week, we discuss topical economic themes from a European perspective and provide perspective on key macro data news. Produced together with Dirk Schumacher (Head of European Macro Reseach, Natixis).
Direct listening here:
- 04.10.24 The Future of Europe's Auto Industry, with Valentin Mory (Natixis)
- 27.09.24 Europe's Growth and Productivity Slowdown Since 2009
- 20.09.24 New Insights Into the Gains from International Trade, with Andrei Levchenko (University of Michigan)
- 13.09.24 Review of the ECB Meeting: September 2024
- 06.09.24 Germany's Economy: Stuck in Post-Pandemic Limbo?
- 11.07.2024 Taking stock of the French parliamentary elections, with Hadrien Camatte (Natixis)
- 05.07.2024 How does AI affect the financial sector and central banks?" a conversation with Hyun Shin(BIS)
- 28.06.2024 Euro Area Inflation Expectations: What Can We Learn from Financial Markets? with Ricardo Reis (LSE)
- 21.06.2024 The Return of the State in International Lending, with Christoph Trebesch (Kiel Institute)
- 14.06.2024 Decoding European Election Results, with Sophia Russack (CEPS)
- 07.06.2024 Review of the ECB Meeting: June 2024
- 31.05.2024 The Single Market under Stress, with Roman Arjóna (European Commission)
- 17.05.2024 The ECB Rate Outlook for June and Beyond
- 10.05.2024 Fiscal Policy Challenges in Germany, with Thiess Buettner
- 03.05.2024 Risks of a High Debt and High Interest Rate Environment, with Vítor Gaspar (IMF)
- 26.05.2024 The Neutral Interest Rate - A Moving Target
- 19.04.2024 Dark Clouds Over Euro Area Fiscal Policy
- 12.04.2024 Review of the ECB Meeting: April 2024
- 22.03.2024 The EU's Disastrous Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, with Harald Fadinger (University of Mannheim)
- 15.03.2024 Overcoming Weak Growth in Germany, with Veronika Grim (German Council of Economic Experts)
- 08.03.2024 Review of the ECB Meeting, March 2024
- 01.03.2024 Productivity Developments in France, with Alain Durré (France Strategie)
- 23.02.2024 How Much of the Decline in Inflation Is Due to ECB Policy?
- 16.02.2024 Optimal Government Debt Dynamis: Lessons from the Academic Literature
- 09.02.2024 Critical Minerals for Europe, with Bernard Dahdah (Head of Commodities Research, Natixis)
- 26.01.2024 Macroeconomic Forecasting at the ECB, with Oscar Arce (Director General Economics, ECB)
- 19.01.2024 Is Germany the Sick Man of Europe?
- 15.12.2023 Review of the ECB Meeting, December 2023
- 08.12.2023 How Should Monetary Policy Deal With Uncertainty?
- 29.11.2023 German Fiscal Policy After the Constitutional Court Ruling, with Lars Feld (Advisor to the German Finance Minister)
- 24.11.2023 The Eerie Strength of the Euro Area Labor Market
- 10.11.2023 Technology Transfer to China: Forced or Incentivized? With Jean-Marie Meier (Wharton)
- 27.10.2023 Review of the ECB Meeting, October 2023
- 20.10.2023 Europe in Search of a Geopolitical Strategy, with Guntram Wolff (German Council on Foreign Relations)
- 13.10.2023 Reform of Central Bank Liquidity Provision, with Tobias Linzert (ECB)
- 06.10.2023 What's Behind the Recent Sell-off in Bond Markets?
- 29.09.2023 The Effects of Industrial Policy: What Do We Know? With Nathan Lane (Oxford University)
- 22.09.2023 Artifical Intelligence and the Future of Work, with Carl Benedikt Frey (Oxford University)
- 15.09.2023 Review of the ECB Meeting, September 2023
- 09.09.2023 The Darkening Euro Area Growth Outlook
- 14.07.2023 The Reform of Fiscal Rules in Europe, with Olivier Blanchard
- 07.07.2023 Should the ECB Change Its Inflation Target?
- 30.06.2023 The Inequality Effects of Foreign Trade, with David Dorn (University of Zurich)
- 16.06.2023 Review of the June 2023 ECB Meeting
- 09.06.2023 HANK: A New Class of Models for Monetary Policy Analysis, with Ben Moll (LSE)
- 02.06.2023 Robert E. Lucas' Contributions to Economics, with Juan Pablo Nicolini (Minneapolis Fed)
- 25.05.2023 What's Wrong with Manufacturing in Europe?
- 12.05.2023 Distributional Implications of Monetary Policy, with Maarten Dossche (ECB)
- 05.05.2023 Review of the May 2023 ECB Meeting
- 28.04.2023 Let's Talk About Money Growth (and its Implications for Output & Inflation)
- 21.04.2023 Liquidity Managerment at Banks, with Olivier Hubert (Groupe BPCE)
- 14.04.2023 Euro Area Growth Risk From Banking Sector Tensions?
- 28.03.2023 Taking Stock of Banking Supervision in Europe, with Ignazio Angeloni
- 17.03.2023 Review of the March 2023 ECB Meeting
- 10.03.2023 The Future of World Trade, with Harald Fadinger (Mannheim)
- 03.03.2023 The EU Commission Proposal on Fiscal Rules
- 23.02.2023 The Outlook for the Euro Area Construction Sector
- 16.02.2023 The State of the Italian Economy, with Francesco Giavazzi (Bocconi)
- 10.02.2023 Skills, Schools and Economic Growth, with Ludger Wößmann (LMU & Ifo)
- 02.02.2023 Review of the Feb 2023 ECB Meeting
- 27.01.2023 How much ECB tightening is needed to control inflation?
- 20.01.2023 What Explains the Resilience of the Euro Area Economy?
- 12.01.2023 The U.S. Inflation Reduction Act: Implications for Europe
- 16.12.2022 A Review of the ECB Meeting (Dec 2022)
- 09.12.2022 A conversation with Agnès Bénassy-Quéré (Chief Economist, French Treasury)
- 25.11.2022 The EU-China Relationship: Perspectives from Hong Kong, with Alicia Garica Herrero
- 18.11.2022 The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level: An Explainer
- 04.11.2022 The Consequences of Central Bank Losses, with Ulrich Bindseil (ECB)
- 28.10.2022 Review of the Oct 2022 ECB Meeting
- 21.10.2022 Cost Effective Ways to Achieve the Green Transition, with Prof. Stefan Reichelstein
- 14.10.2022 Fiscal Sustainability in Europe: Is R < G?
- 07.10.2022 The Outlook for the European Gas Markt, with Joel Hancock
- 29.09.2022 Fiscal Sustainability in Italy and the U.K.
- 23.09.2022 What Are the Costs of Permanently High Inflation?
- 16.09.2022 Germany's Painful Adjustment to the New Environment
- 09.09.2022 A Review of the ECB Meeting September 2022
- 22.07.2022 The July ECB Meeting: An Attempt to Square the Circle?
- 15.07.2022 How much #ECB tightening is needed to get inflation under control?
- 08.07.2022 Will Higher Interest Rates Lead to Higher Capital Productivity?
- 01.07.2022 A Conversation with Klaus Regling (Head of the ESM)
- 17.06.2022 ECB Fights Against Country Spreads: Limits & Opportunities
- 10.06.2022 Review of the June 2022 ECB Decision
- 04.06.2022 What Drives the Labor Share of Income?
- 31.05.2022 A Conversation with Prof. Lars Feld, Advisor to the German Finance Minister
- 13.05.2022 The Cyclical Outlook for the Euro Area Economy: Difficult Business
- 05.05.2022 Who is Olaf Scholz? A Conversation with Mark Schieritz (Die Zeit)
- 29.04.2022 Two Challenges for the ECB: Faster Green Transition & International Decoupling
- 21.04.2022 Europe Holds its Breath as France Votes
- 08.04.2022 A Conversation about Russia with Sergei Guriev (Siences Po)
- 01.04.2022 The Future of the Digital Euro with Markus Brunnermeier (Princeton)
- 18.03.2022 Economic Consequences of a Russian Energy Embargo
- 11.03.2022 Review of the Marc 2022 ECB Meeting
- 04.03.2022 Former ECB Vice-President Vítor Constâncio on Challenges Facing the ECB
- 25.02.2022 Russian Invasion Triggers Uncertainty Shock
- 18.02.2022 A conversation with Martin Arnold (Financial Times) about the ECB
- 11.02.2022 Why Is Inflation So Hard to Forecast?
- 04.02.2022 Conversation with Xavier Ragot (OFCE): Challenges for the Next French President
- 28.01.2022 What to Expect From the End of Quantitative Easing?
- 21.01.2022 Greenflation - A Challenge for the ECB?
- 14.01.2022 A Conversation with the ECB's Frank Smets
- 17.12.2021 Critical Review of the Latest ECB Decisions
- 10.12.2021 Mario Draghi's Reform Process in Italy: A Discussion with Roberto Perotti (Bocconi)
- 03.12.2021 Why Inflation Fails to Scare Euro Area Bond Investors
- 26.11.2021 German Coalition Vows to Unblock Germany
- 19.11.2021 The Role of Savings for the EuroArea Inflation Outlook
- 12.11.2021 "Safe Assets" in the Euro Area - A Critical Review with Hanno Lustig (Standford)
- 05.11.2021 How tight is the Euro Area's labour market?
- 29.10.2021 What drives oil and gas markets? An interview with Joel Hancock
- 22.10.2021 Preview of the October ECB meeting
- 15.10.2021 How should monetary policy respond to stagflation risk?
- 08.10.2021 Challenges for the new German government
- 24.09.2021 Could a Cost Push Trigger a More Lasting Rise in Inflation?
- 17.09.2021 The ECB's new strategy: an interview with Lucrezia Reichlin (London Business School)
- 10.09.2021 Digitalisation, Productivity, Inflation in Europe
- 03.09.2021 German election - what's in it for Europe?
- 27.08.2021 How to reform Euro Area fiscal rules?
- 25.06.2021 What is the optimal inflation target for the ECB?
- 18.06.2021 How much European Integration is desirable?
- 11.06.2021 The prospect for the digital euro
- 04.06.2021 Will corporate leverage hold back investment spending?
- 21.05.2021 Economic inequality and growth
- 14.05.2021 A first look at the NextGeneration EU plan
- 07.05.2021 Will higher inflation prepare the ground for a fiscal union?
- 30.04.2021 Growth effects of the carbon transition
- 23.04.2021 Should the ECB do Average Inflation Targeting?
- 16.04.2021 Merkel's economic legacy
- 09.04.2021 Does Europe need an additional fiscal stimulus?
- 01.04.2021 The pros and cons of fiscal integration
- 26.03.2021 Why did inflation shoot up in the 70s and what role did central banks play?
- 19.03.2021 Post Brexit UK
- 12.03.2021 Economic and technological sovereignity
- 05.03.2021 Yield Curve Control
- 26.02.2021 The role of inflation expectations
- 19.02.2021 How well could the ECB cope with stronger inflation?
- 12.02.2021 Should central banks cancel debt sitting on their balance sheets?
- 05.02.2021 Italy's structural problems
- 29.01.2021 Inflation and the Phillips Curve
- 22.01.2021 ECB policy actions and peripheral spreads